Jesse MᶜKinney

Applying practical, usuable, and modern techniques for web development today: Improvise, Adapt, Overcome.


Value More on Quality and not in Quantity.


Designing, Full Stack Flex Web Development, and Software Development.

3,000+ Hours of Coding
1,400+ Total Commits
100+ Repositories
30+ Contributers

Creativity and Persistance is the key to greatness...

Developed Projects

My Work

I look forward to each and every project I begin. Whether it is an assignment or a self-motivated project, I take both very seriously. From the starting snippet of code to the final finishing touches of a new app, each moment offers an opportunity for growth and improvement. Learning to design, build, and write code. Has been one of my biggest projects, to this day...


The Process

My Process

Everyone has a different approach to solve a problem, both in life and in code. It's imperative to take the necessary steps and process all of the information to find a solution.



Having the proper research for any project is the key to making it proficient and time effecient.



Good coding fundamentals are the foundation of great projects.



Having a sharp eye and a good attention to detail will always make a good app, great!


Good Practices

"For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them." -Aristotle-